WANT SOMETHING THAT IS OUT OF STOCK? call us, it may be in stock in the shop! MOST OF OUR GOODS ARE NOT ONLINE

about the owners

Owners Bryony + Joe made a very intentional move to Boone in 2011. Previously in clothing design + production, a job that included a lot of extended travel, Bryony knew she needed to make a career change after their first baby was born. After leaving their home in Lake Tahoe, Bryony and Joe moved to Cape Cod where they spent a winter traveling up and down the East Coast looking for a new home that "had it all". Boone checked everything on the list; beautiful mountains, healthy way of life, kind people, not too big/not too small, great schools and no children's consignment shop! Bryony had always been passionate about recycling, space, color, design and community. She envisioned a clean and bright space to serve the community with a blend high quality consigned clothing and handpicked, unique and earth friendly toys, books, gifts + clothing. With Joe's superpower construction skills and a shoestring budget the couple were able to turn the vision into reality and opened Bluebird in 2013. Since that time Bluebird has strived to provide a fun, family friendly shopping experience and a community hub of parenting support.
In 2017, thanks to the support of this amazing community, Bluebird doubled the shop space and added a community classroom to further support families by offering educational classes, movement + yoga, emotional support groups, playgroups and so much more! A tween + teen section has been added, consignment capacity has doubled, the selection of new items as grown and a new family wellness area now offering prenatal, postnatal and children's supplements + herbals has ben added. Joe + Bryony now have three growing girls, a baby boy, and are beyond grateful for the overwhelming support of this wonderful community. Thank you for a fabulous seven years!

Meet our bluebird family!

Bryony Renouf,
Mama of THREE girls Olive (10), Emmylou (8) and Harriet (4) and the sweetest baby boy! Enjoys her wonderful customers, crazy kiddos and needs lots and lots of yoga to remember to breathe. Thankful for her partner in crime, Joe (aka awesome dad, shop handyman + fab husband), and the best staff of any shop ever.

Joe Mager,
Daddy to Olive, Emmylou and Harriet. Joe splits his time between the shop, his job at BE Natural Market and being family man. On the rare occasion that he is not cooking for kids, driving kids around or playing and reading stories to kids he can be found in his basement studio making + recording music.

Caitlin Ellis,
Shop Manager
Caitlin as been part of the Bluebird Family for four years. Former preschool + kindergarten teacher, Caitlin loves being able to stay home part time with her three kids; Pippa (4), Barrett (3) and Emma Jean (6M). She is married to her college sweetheart, Andy. Caitlin often refers to her life as a circus--but wouldn't trade it for the world.

Katie Miller,
Shop Mama
Army Brat, APP Grad and self-described messy mama to one feisty + sweet 3 year old girl, Katie has a killer sense of humor and loves people who can laugh at their own jokes.
Katie is married to her best friend (whom she likes most of the time), is an avid travel enthusiast and believes birth is one of the most beautiful things in the world. She also has a slight Ed Sheeran obsession..be we love her anyway.

Boone local, APP grad, domestic goddess of two. If Kayla isn't singing Disney songs, cooking or breaking up a fight between her precious and well-behaved children, you can probably find her and her kids eating at Come Back Shack where hubs Brandon manages. Because let's be real, no matter how much mama does, Daddy is still the coolest.